Mustafa Cemil Coşkun


Member of Technical Staff
Nokia Bell Labs
600 Mountain Ave - Bldg 02
Murray Hill, NJ, USA

About me

I am an AI/ML wireless researcher of a department lead by Dr. Jinfeng Du at Bell Labs of Nokia, NJ, USA. I received the Dr.-Ing. (Ph.D. equivalent) degree in electrical and computer engineering in 2022 from the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Munich, Germany, where I was very fortunate to be advised by Prof. Gerhard Kramer. During the course of my graduate studies, I was also a member of the Information Transmission Group lead by Dr. Gianluigi Liva at the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Wessling, Germany, between 2016-2020 and a lecturer at the TUM Asia, Singapore, between 2020-2021. In addition, I visited the Rhodes Information Initiative at Duke (iiD) at Duke University, NC, USA, for six months from 2019 to 2020, where I was hosted by Prof. Henry D. Pfister.

Prior to that, I received the B.Sc. degree in electrical and electronics (EE) engineering from Boğaziçi University (BOUN), Istanbul, Turkey, and the M.Sc. degree in communications engineering (MSCE) from the TUM in 2014 and 2017, respectively (both with summa cum laude).

I am grateful for supports from TEV, DAAD, Munich Aerospace and DFG.

Research Interests

My broad interests include applied probability, information theory and coding theory with applications to wireless communications. In particular, I enjoy developing and implementing algorithms for inference in graphical models appearing in communications. In the course of my Ph.D. studies, I focused on the design of polar(-like) codes and their low-complexity decoding. This includes also non-coherent receiver designs for block-fading channels, where my techniques aim at joint channel estimation and decoding of short codes. You can find my doctoral thesis here.

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